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Practice Areas

Many of us think a traffic citation is not a big deal. However, a traffic citation can result in fines, points against your driving record, and increased insurance costs. A guilty finding will follow you for years and additional traffic violations put your rights to operate a motor vehicle in North Carolina at risk. Repeated […]

Traffic Violations Defense

Driving while impaired does not always mean you are under the influence of alcohol. In some cases, prescription drugs can result in your being cited for a DWI in North Carolina. There are also certain medical conditions that can result in law enforcement officers deciding you are driving impaired when this is not the case. […]


Having a criminal record expunged means you can lawfully answer no when asked if you have ever been convicted of a crime. There are some violations that cannot be expunged, but for those who have been convicted of a crime that qualifies, we can help clear your record. When the expungement rules changed in December […]

Expunction Attorney

North Carolina has some of the strictest drug laws in the country. You may be stopped for speeding and if you are in possession of as little as one ounce of marijuana, you could be facing a misdemeanor drug charge. Unfortunately, if you are carrying more than an ounce-and-a-half, you could be facing a felony […]

All Drug Cases

White collar crimes are often called “victimless” crimes, but we know this is not the case. Given our current technology usage, white collar crimes are pursued more aggressively than they were in the past. When you are facing crimes associated with the use of the internet, embezzlement of funds, or other white-collar crimes, you could […]

White Collar Crimes

When relationships turn sour, you could suddenly find you are on the wrong side of the law because a former partner reported you threatened, stalked, or assaulted them. One of the things we have learned is that in some cases, domestic violence charges are filed as a means of striking back when a relationship goes […]

Domestic Violence

We understand if you are facing a charge that may require a trial you have questions that need answers. We also understand you are dealing with various emotions including frustration, confusion, and fear. We are here to help you through the process of a trial so you know what rights you have, what a potential […]

Criminal Trial Work
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